Thursday, July 14, 2011

No Damned Cents

I would like to address those who think it is perfectly acceptable to count out ninety-five cents in change on my counter, push the change in my general direction and then look at me expectantly. With my genius powers of deductive reasoning I assume I'm to be expected to pick all this up my own damned self and then hand them the receipt. Well fuckabucnhofthat! Who are you that I should be picking up your change all the time? Do you expect me to wipe your ass too? Why is it all simplest of tasks are deemed much too monumental to do oneself? I am SORRY you are unable to hand me that dollar you just flung in my direction but you know what? I am NOT your freaking mother and I should NOT be expected to pick up after every damn person who has no idea how to act in public. And you know what? I am SORRY you do not know how to say please and thank you, I am SORRY you do not know how to wait in the damned line, I am SORRY you do not have any damned other thing to do than to come into my store and go bat-shit crazy flinging books around all willy nilly like a GODDAMNED orangoutang!!!
and I am SORRY you have horrible taste in literature! Maybe you should stop reading those disgusting red dress press books and just MAYBE you'd get some money back, but don't you DARE come in here and accuse me of not giving you as much money as everyone else who works in the store, trust me if it were anyone else they'd give you 50 freakin cents for your horrible ass taste.
I am SORRY that you are so fertile that you have 35 kids running around like little wolverines but I will NOT babysit your maniac offspring. Do not think that going into a store gives you and your horrible spawn free reign to just tear things apart and think there will be no consequences. In what world is any of this behavior acceptable?? Please someone tell me so I can close that door securely and maybe throw some fucking "cents" at them on their way out.

Oh and old guy who tries to be "cute" with the younger girls by telling off color and borderline sexual jokes, IT'S NOW CALLED SEXUAL HARASSMENT.

End Rant.

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